Friday, 18 December 2009

Marvel Previews - Next weeks comics just for you!

Lot and lots of previews today courtesy of Marvel & CBR. Click the links below to be taken to the preview of your choice.


  1. That Spider-Woman preview was pretty intense.

    I almost read the Cap preview, but couldn't spoil any more of Reborn than what Marvel has already told us.

  2. yeah Im thinking about picking up spider-woman tpb when its out.

    i know what you mean about cap reborn, and its so stupid that this cap one shot is out before cap reborn no. 6! marvel really mucked this series up schedule wise. still im glad steve's back

  3. Yeah, the one part of the Cap preview I saw literally said "This story takes place after Captain America: Reborn #6- sorry!" The editors are apologizing, as if Marvel couldn't have delayed the release of the book or something. Someone must have had a gun to Joe Quesada's head.
