Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Hex’s Pull List – 09/16/09

Loads of good stuff shipping tomorrow. I'll be getting:

Batman and Robin #4
Batman Streets of Gotham #4
Blackest Night #3
Wednesday Comics #11
Captain America Reborn #3

Dark Avengers #9
Dark Reign List Daredevil One Shot
X-Factor #48
X-Men Legacy Annual #1
Sword #19

Action Comics is out this week. But I won’t be picking it up. I’ve had enough of the current Superman Universe for the time being. Action Comics was one of the best titles on the stands when Johns & Frank were on that title, but since they left Action Comics, and with Robinson on ‘Superman’, the books have been on a very large downward spiral. I;ll just ge my fix from Superman: Secret Origins when that hits.

I’m reluctantly going to pick up Dark avengers #9, to help follow the new story arc in Secret Avengers, and with the hope that Ares will face off against Nick Fury, as the cover suggests.

And Philip Tan on Batman & Robin. I’m looking forward to seeing how that turns out.

What are you guys reading this week?


  1. I'll be grabbing:

    Action Comic #881(I'm still enjoying the Superman books... A lot!)
    Batgirl #2
    Batman and Robin #4(I'm really hoping this is the issue that hooks me to this book)
    Batman: Streets of Gotham #4
    Blackest Night #3
    Green Arrow/Black Canary #24
    JSA/Kobra #4
    Outsiders #22
    REBELS #8
    Wednesday Comics #11
    Cap: Reborn #3
    Dark Avengers #9
    Dark Reign: The List #2
    Dark Wolverine #78
    Mighty Avengers #29
    Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1(I'll give the first issue a look)
    X-Factor #48

    17 books this week... Damn, that's a lot! I was close to picking up the X-Men Legacy Annual, but I've really been down on that series for quite some time now. I might pick it up depending on what you have to say about it though.

  2. Oh yeah, I'm also picking up the Batman Cacophony Hardcover. The comic shop I order from was selling it at 35% off it's cover price, so I couldn't resist!

  3. Man that is a huge pile for you this week! Are you rich?

    Batman Cacophony was ok, worth a read, and sounds like you got a great price.

  4. Ha! I wish I was rich Matthew! First thing I'd do would be to hunt down a copy of Action Comics #1.

    Nah, I can afford to spend all my money on comics because I have no life! Comics, food and gasoline, that's pretty much all I buy.
