Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Hex's Pull List - 08/18/2009

Big week for me, and I still have to get the new Walking Dead TPB at some point! Pay day please come sooner!

Batman Streets of Gotham #3
Blackest Night Superman #1
Red Circle The Web #1
Supergirl #44
Superman Annual #14
Wednesday Comics #7

Amazing Spider-Man #601, #602, #603 (playing catch-up)
Daredevil #500
X-Factor #47
X-Men Legacy #227

AND....AOD Ash Saves Obama #1 – As Elliot over at Comic Culture Warrior has written it so I’ll give it a go. You can check out the preview for it here.

JSA vs. Kobra is a maybe also? I might hunt down the previous issues for this as I’ve heard good things about it.

So lots more to get through there when I still haven’t read half of last weeks books as I get mine delivered and the postal offices in London keep going on strike! Bastard! Damn Union’s! I’m all for fucking with the ‘Man’ but when it interferes with me getting my comics on time, well that’s a different matter altogether. I might have to go break some knee caps!

What will you guys be getting?


  1. Blackest Night Superman and Batgirl #1.....eventually.

  2. I'll be ordering:
    Blackest Night Superman #1
    Daredevil #500
    Hellblazer #258
    Justice League of America #36
    Mighty Avengers #28
    Supergirl #44
    Superman Annual #14
    Wednesday Comics #7
    X-Factor #47
    X-Men Legacy #227

    10 books for me this week and to be honest, the only one I really can't wait to read is X-Factor #47. I guess DD #500 should be good and BN Supes might be interesting, but the rest are kind of middle of the pack books.

    I've been collecting JSA vs Kobra, but I haven't given it a read yet. I'll probably wait until I've got the entire mini before reading it. Depending on what I hear about Batgirl I may give it a look... Maybe...
